
listed by broker
Founded in
Desired valuation:
Open to offers
We lend capital to businesses of all sizes, including startups that normally wouldn't qualify for a loan, by collateralising debt financing using recurring revenue backed securities. We are acquiring a banking license to offer a more comprehensive banking solution to our enterprise clients to move their finances onto our platform.
Featured metrics
<1% default rate, 25% organic growth
Selling details
Type of shares
This is some text inside of a div block.
Reason for selling
Our business has experienced exponential growth year-on-year and achieved profitability in recent years. All of us want to start new projects so the time has come for more experienced professionals to help optimise and prepare it and our staff for acquisition with us co-invested and going part-time.
Preferred acquirer
Operational and managerial excellence for taking over and optimising a financial technology business with the support of us, the founding team.
Aspirations & growth opportunities
Consumer-facing neobanks have paved the way for online B2B banking to offer a new era of financial services including debt financing and ARR securitisation for startups and tech businesses alike. We are riding the wave and see room for much more growth.
Business details
Business model
Debt financing and revenue secuiritization
800 (startups and SMBs)
Operational details
Technology stack
Firebase, HTML/CSS, Ruby/RubyOnRails, AWS
Marketing spend
$320K annually on advertising and $70K on a full-time business developer (Podcasts, IndieHacker, Medium, Twitter)
Performance tracking tools
Google Analytics, Stripe, Proprietary tools
Financial details
Ownership structure
3 co-founders each with 33%
Last month's revenue
$ 181 K
Last month's profit
$ 36 K
Financial records
Annual P&L summary reports, Online reporting software/tools
TTM revenue
$ 1.9 M
TTM net profit
$ 342 K
Based in
Team members
Acquisition type
Desired valuation
Open to offers
Message Owner
Message Broker