Helping companies, brands and people to connect and share experiences by offering them a complete and easy-to-use event software.
8000USD Average revenue per account
40% average growth in the last 3 years
Cash positive in 2022
This is some text inside of a div block.
We want to cash out part of our ownership and harvest some of the value of what we have built (take some chips off the table)
A strategic buyer who can also add additional funds in the balance sheet to support further development of the company.
There's great opportunity for growth in the aftermath of the industry transformation we went through in the last couple of years: Events are the heart of community building for brands. We are already adressing this transformation and want to accelerate.
Subscription revenue and professional services
330 (Corporations and institutions relaying on B2B events for GTM)
Cvent, bizzabo, eventbrite
React, elixir on phoenix, Ruby on Rails, redid, MySQL, Aws
1212000 (SEO, AdWords and outbound prospection)
86% 2 cofounders, 15% ouside investors
Annual P&L summary reports, Online reporting software/tools