Add your metrics
Share performance data anonymously to get more offers!
Connecting 3rd party tools to your business listing allows you to display verified metrics shown to increase trust and interest from acquirers.
How to connect Stripe to BitsForDigits
1. Go to your Stripe account and follow these steps
-> Click on "Developers"
-> Make sure that "Test mode" is off
-> Go to “API keys”
-> Click on “Create restricted key”
-> Click on “Create key”
* By granting "read access" to Balance, Balance transaction sources, * Subscriptions and Events you can display revenue, MRR and churn.
2. Copy and paste the generated Stripe key below
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3.  Paste the public embed code for each metric you wish to add:
Click to submit the metrics for your business listing. You can expect them reviewed within 24 hours and added pending confirmation from
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